Certificates and permits

Certifikat och tillstånd

Sustainable business is integrated into Green Cargo’s business model and governance. The company ensures socially, environmentally and financially sustainable business by governing and following up operations through five target areas: Safety, Employee, Environment, Customer & Quality, and Finance.

We have an integrated management system that is certified within several areas. Click on each area to read more.

Green Cargo’s strategic quality agenda

The integrated management system is our shared tool for ensuring that operations are conducted in accordance with established guidelines, promote our goals and allow for systematic improvement work. The system provides support for all employees in their day-to-day work.

Green Cargo’s process map describes how we work together to deliver to our customers. Every primary process is described in detail and broken into subprocesses from level 2 and downward. At the lowest level, the descriptions are usually in the form of instructions or a checklist.

Improvement processes

Each primary process has an appointed process owner and process manager, who are responsible for developing and improving the processes, for example, by using process metrics to follow up and by using coordination with other process owners in cross-functional forums. Process maturity is followed up regularly through internal process verifications and process reviews, particularly in conjunction with annual external ISO reviews.

To drive continuous improvements within our operations, we have made it possible for all Green Cargo employees to participate in improvement initiatives by submitting suggestions and reporting any deviations in operations through a simple reporting app. Cross-functional improvement groups conduct in-depth analyses of deviations to propose concrete solutions with the support of our improvement model.

Continuous customer surveys

Another important source of improvements is our customer survey. The surveys are conducted continuously and comprise questions that capture customer satisfaction from various perspectives. The results are compiled in a monthly customer report and followed up in our cross-functional forum.

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Certificate of quality ISO 9001

As early as 1996, we received our first certificate of quality in accordance with ISO 9002, as confirmation that we were conducting systematic quality work. We are currently certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and are continuing to work systematically to improve the quality of our performance based on customer requirements and expectations.

Environmental certification ISO 14001

In 2003, we received environmental certification in confirmation of our systematic efforts with environmental issues. We are currently certified in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 and work constantly with improving our environmental performance.

Work environment certification ISO 45001

In autumn 2020, we made a transition to the ISO 45001:2018 standard.

Welding certification

Welding operations at Green Cargo’s maintenance depots are certified under the SS-EN 15085-2 CL 1 standard.

Certification of welding Pdf, 211 kB.

Waste transportation

The permit encompasses the transport of all types of hazardous and nonhazardous waste.

Click here to see the permit (only in Swedish) Pdf, 167 kB.

AEO permits

AEO stands for “authorized economic operator.” It is an EU-wide permit aimed at enhancing security throughout the world, and facilitating efficient and uniform customs management within the EU. An AEO status is valid in all EU member states. Green Cargo was approved for AEOF status (both AEOC and AEOS) in April 2020.