You can conveniently book your transport and track them through our digital booking service
Book transport
With Green Cargo, companies can book logistics solutions with ease. Your transports will not only be climate-smart, but also safe, punctual and cost efficient. We serve close to 300 locations in Scandinavia through our network, and together with our partners we reach all of Europe. Where does your freight’s journey begin?
Register as a customer to send freight
Is your company looking for a climate-smart way to transport your goods? We would be happy to welcome you as a corporate customer. Our dedicated sales representatives will help you formulate an agreement that suits your logistics needs. Read more below.
Already a customer?
If you are already a customer and would like to book and track transports conveniently, you can use our digital booking service, Green Cargo Connect. With our e-services, you can conveniently book transports, fill in consignment notes and track your goods. Read more below.
If you do not have an account with Green Cargo Connect but would like to contact Customer Service regarding your transports, or have other questions regarding goods claims, reporting unloaded wagons, or would like to see the terms and conditions or price lists in detail, please click on the information box in the middle.

Is your company looking for a climate-smart way to transport your goods? Contact our sales team!
Click here to contact your team at Customer Service regarding your transport, or if you would like to read about the terms and conditions or see the price lists, or report an unloaded wagon or submit a claim.

If you are already a customer, you can conveniently book your transport and track them through our digital booking service, Green Cargo Connect.

Our services
Which service suits your needs? We manage large quantities of goods, with high frequency and wide distribution.

Network map
We serve close to 270 locations in Scandinavia through our network, and thousands in Europe. Search for your destination on the map.

Customer case
Together with our customers, we create climate-smart and cost-effective transport.