Frequently asked questions about booking transports

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We have compiled the most frequently asked questions about our rail freight services below.

If your questions are not listed here, please get in touch with your regular contact at Customer Service. Not a Green Cargo customer yet? Use the contact details under each question.


If you are not a Green Cargo customer, please contact one of our sales representatives. They will help you formulate an agreement that suits your company’s logistics needs.

Green Cargo’s goods transportation services are strictly for corporate customers, not private customers.

We usually need to receive your order by no later than 9:00 a.m. one business day before the desired delivery/loading date of your empty wagon.

When we register your order, we check for available capacities in our trains. If the trains are fully booked, we search for the next available connection. If all the trains are fully booked, usually within 60 hours of the requested date of dispatch, or if we cannot manage to deliver the transport before your requested delivery date, your transport will not be reserved. In such cases, you will be notified about this.

You can order a transport using either a requested dispatch date or a requested delivery date, by checking one of these two options on the order form. You cannot select both alternatives.

If you wish to rebook your transport, you must always cancel your ordered transport and attach a new booking in connection with the cancellation. When the transport has been reserved in accordance with your new preferences, you will receive a new order confirmation. Cancellation is permissible up until the moment transport has commenced.

Possible surcharges for late cancellations Pdf, 238 kB.

We usually require your freight documentation to be at our disposal no later than two hours before the dispatch of the transport. This allows us the time to register the documentation and forward the information to our production staff.

The following notifications are sent unless otherwise agreed:

  • Preliminary order confirmation: When you book your transport well in advance, you receive a preliminary order confirmation to indicate the receipt and registration of your order. When your order has been reserved in our consignment booking system (about 14–17 days prior to the date of dispatch), you will receive an order confirmation.
  • Order confirmation: When your order has been registered in our consignment booking system, you will receive an order confirmation, comprising information about your order, the time scheduled for your receipt of an empty wagon, the deadline for loading the wagon, the departure time, the arrival time at the recipient, any options, etc. An order confirmation is also a confirmation that the train has available capacity.
  • Cancellation confirmation: If you should decide to cancel your order, we will send you a cancellation confirmation comprising information about your order, what has been cancelled and the reason for the cancellation.
  • Empty wagon notification: When we have the empty wagons for your order, we will notify you about the specific wagons assigned to you for loading. The notification will also indicate whether any wagons are missing from the order.
  • Notice of deviation — empty-wagon delivery: We will notify you in the event of any unforeseen circumstances that impact the delivery of the empty wagon that you have ordered. The notification will contain information about a new arrival time, the previous arrive time, and the reason for the deviation.
  • Arrival notice: Prior to the arrival of your loaded transport, we will send you a final arrival notice comprising information about the order and additional data from the consignment note. The arrival notice also provides information about the specific wagon that will arrive and the time at which it should be notified as unloaded to Green Cargo.

Your company’s signatory to the agreement has stipulated who should be notified. This may vary for different types of notifications and in the way in which these individuals should be notified. If any of this information needs to be changed, contact the signatory at your company, who will in turn contact our contract administration department.

You can change this by contacting us. However, we will need the written consent of your company’s signatory for this purpose.


Note: By default, Green Cargo delivers information to you by issuing various notifications. Consequently, if you choose to unsubscribe from any such notifications, Green Cargo will no longer be responsible for providing you with the information in any other manner.

Transports in progress

 Yes, this can be done – subject to available capacity and the stipulations of your agreement. However, a fee will be added for any change in availability. A list of fees can be found here. To make such a change, please talk to your regular contact at Customer Service.

If anything should happen to the transports you ordered, we will send you a deviation notice.

In the event of serious traffic disruptions that impact many of our customers, the information will be published on our website. During major traffic disruptions, it may also be difficult for us to immediately determine the impact on your particular transport and its new delivery time. When we obtain the information, you will receive a deviation notice.

Planned production changes, such as adjustments for long weekends, timetable updates, etc., are communicated through the company’s contact in good time prior to implementation. Information about planned major track works is also published here on our website, Traffic information.

It is possible to be granted what is known as an extended time window for loading and unloading. If it concerns a one-off request, please talk to your regular contact at Customer Service. However, if this should occur more regularly, you should speak with your sales contact.

Loading, unloading and shunting

The standard is 8 hours of loading/unloading time between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. If you take more than 8 hours, a fee will be levied for extending the time window.

If you need more time, you can talk to your sales representative about an extended time window.

Get in touch with your regular contact at Customer Service, who can help you answer this.

Customs and waste

If you are already a Green Cargo customer, please contact your current sales representative.

Here is more information about customs procedures.

If your company is already a Green Cargo customer, please contact your current sales representative.

Here is some information about Green Cargo’s waste transportation services.

Claims: damage, invoices and other complaints

You can submit a claim either by using our online notification form or by email to

If you have questions, concerns or problems with an invoice, please contact us via:

You can contact our contract administration department for an answer about what the fee is for, via