Loading regulations incluing intermodal transport units

Vagnar på bangård

Green Cargo applies the loading regulations issued by the International Railway Union (UIC) that applies to rail freight in Sweden and Europe. We, Green Cargo, and you, the customer, jointly ensure that the wagons and the transport units we handle are safe for use and properly loaded. Read more below, about how wagons and intermodal transport units should be loaded, as well as the restrictions regarding profiles and tracks.


Our wagons and intermodal transport units

Click here for the Freight Wagon Manual (in Swedish), where you can find detailed information about our wagons.

Contact for cargo securing questions

If you need help with cargo securing issues, please contact Tommy Hilding, either by e-mail or phone +46(0)104554260.

Inspection protocol for intermodal transport units

This protocol is used at the terminal during the inspection of the intermodal transport units. The protocols are available below English and German: