Energy-efficient transportation necessary to reach climate goals
We are currently facilitating many companies in attaining their environmental targets. In 2023, we transported 20 million tonnes of goods, the equivalent of 880,000 truckloads. In other words, our efforts are not limited to a comprehensive reduction of CO2 emissions, but also include reducing congestion and improving road safety.
Sweden aims to become one of the world’s first fossil-free welfare nations with no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2045. Sweden also has a target of reducing emissions from domestic transportation by at least 70 percent by 2030 compared with 2010.
Among modes of transport, rail freight is the most space- and energy-efficient and has the least negative impact on the environment. An average freight train (wagon load) transports as much freight as around 20 trucks. Other forms of transportation are also gradually reducing their environmental impact, but transition takes time and is largely counteracted by increases in volume. If climate goals are going to be reached, more freight needs to be transported via rail.
The key to sustainable logistics is in collaboration between different forms of transportation. Rail freight should be chosen when possible and connected with other forms of transportation when needed. Space- and energy-efficient transportation are high priorities if we are to meet the climate goals of both the EU and Sweden.
Low climate impact
98 percent of Green Cargo’s tonne kilometrage is carried out by electric trains. Transportation with diesel trains and trucks account for less than four percent, collectively. Electricity from renewable hydroelectric plants, together with a high level of energy efficiency, means that the climate impact is very low. A normally loaded Green Cargo freight train carries about 500 tonnes of goods, and we operate around 400 trains every weekday.
If these transports had been made with trucks instead, it would have led to a caravan of trucks 220 kilometers long. Moreover, our efforts are not limited to a comprehensive reduction of CO2 emissions, but also include reducing congestion and improving road safety.
We’re improving all the time
Green Cargo is certified in accordance with ISO 14001:2015. We work systematically to constantly reduce our remaining environmental impact. As per the requirements in the standard, the basis for the company’s activities in this area are our environmental policy and the environmental topics we have identified.
We have clear ambitions to reduce CO2 emissions per tonne kilometrage carried out, reduce diesel consumption and increase energy efficiency.
We work continuously to review and develop our existing vehicle fleet, wagons as well as locomotives, using technologically innovative solutions for transportation that is even more energy-efficient and sustainable.
If Green Cargo's transports had been carried by truck
Example 1:
A transport of 23 tons of goods with Green Cargo's electric train between Malmö kombi and Norrköping kombi (442 km) emits about 1 kilogram of CO2e using fossil-free electricity. If the same amount of goods is transported by a heavy truck, the emissions would be approximately 560 kilograms of CO2e.
Example 2:
Green Cargo's total transport activity in 2023 (electric trains, diesel trains, and trucks) resulted in a total emission of 23,500 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2e). We transported just over 20 million tons of goods, and the total transport work amounted to 10.2 billion net tonne-kilometers. If all the goods Green Cargo transported had instead been carried by truck, the emissions would have been 561,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2e).
We calculate emissions in accordance with the ISO 14083 standard for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions arising from transport chain operations. Sources for the input data include Vattenfall's Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and NTM (Network for Transport and Environment). Energy consumption is based on Green Cargo's actual electricity usage.