Publication date:

Track maintenance impact on traffic September

Below you can see what we currently know about changes and canceled trains. Customers who drive according to specific driving plans are transported according to these. For further information about your particular transport, contact your regular customer coordinator at Customer Service.

  • No traffic to/from Karlsborgbruk Monday 240909.
  • No traffic to/from Piteå and Haraholmen Monday 240909.
  • No Traffic to/from Fors 240926–240927.
  • 3 hours delayed switching Iggesund 240918 and 240925.
  • Transports from the following tax points.
    Billingsfors, Lilla Edet, Bohus, Gothenburg Marieholm, Stenungsund, Kville, Gothenburg Volvo, Pölsebo, Gothenburg Skandiahamnen Mitt, Gothenburg Skandiahamnen West, Gothenburg Arendal, Gothenburg Centralharpan, Rottneros, Karlstad, Munkedal, Värö, Varberg, Falkenberg and Halmstad. can get a 24-hour longer lead time to Tunadal, Sundsvall-Tunadal Kombiterminal.
  • One day longer lead time for transport from Sölvesborg to Gothenburg Volvo. 240904–240906, 240913 and 240923–240926.
  • Line Trelleborg – Malmö – Gothenburg Älvsborgshamnen canceled 240908 and 240915.
  • The line Gothenburg Älvsborgshamnen – Malmö – Trelleborg canceled 240908 and 240915.

Contact line replacement Sävenäs Rangerbangård 240629–240819

Big impact for our wagon load traffic in above all reduced capacity, flexibility but also in some cases worsened lead times.

  • Transports to/from the following toll points may have a 24-hour longer lead time.
    Billingsfors, Lilla Edet, Bohus, Gothenburg Marieholm, Stenungsund, Kville, Gothenburg Volvo, Pölsebo, Gothenburg Skandiahamnen Mitt, Gothenburg Skandiahamnen West, Gothenburg Arendal, Gothenburg Centralharpan, Rottneros, Karlstad, Munkedal, Värö, Varberg, Falkenberg and Halmstad.
  • Transports to/from the following toll points may have a one to two day longer lead time.
    Gothenburg Stora, Gothenburg Skandiahamnen South.


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