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Disruptions in Freight Traffic Due to Snowstorm

Due to a severe snowstorm in Gävle, there will be disruptions in freight traffic from November 20 to November 22. A total of 25-50 cm of snow is expected, with even larger amounts possible locally.

Due to a severe snowstorm in Gävle, there will be disruptions in freight traffic from November 20 to November 22. A total of 25-50 cm of snow is expected, with even larger amounts possible locally.

Green Cargo, together with Trafikverket, is working intensively to keep the track and Gävle freight yard clear of snow, but some delays and cancellations may unfortunately occur.

Our top priority is to ensure the safety and efficiency of our transports. We recommend that you stay updated through our website and communication channels for the latest information on the traffic situation.

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