Our industry expertise
Our sales organization is divided into the industry and growth business areas, which have overall responsibility for their respective area. Our organizational structure provides a better understanding of market and customer needs, which allows for logistics solutions to be developed and delivered.
The customers have complex and varying flows, and goods are transported both nationally and internationally between ports and industries.

Our services include the transportation of forest products such as timber, pulpwood, wood-chip, biofuel, cellulose, paper pulp, paper, recycled paper and sawn-wood products.

We offer our Intermodal customers transportation for supermarkets, shipping lines, freight forwarders and road carriers.

Our international traffic consists of several international routes and wagonload solutions. We transport import and export volumes via Denmark’s rail network and rail ferry between Trelleborg and Rostock.

Together with our customers, we create climate-smart and cost-efficient transportation. Read about some of our customers’ challenges, solutions and results.

We work daily to improve the terms and conditions for the transport-dependent industries. An important aspect of this is molding opinion and political influence.