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Large amounts of snow and problems with snow removal affect our traffic
This applies to areas around Gävle, Sundsvall, and Ånge. Some problems on Thursday are linked to both the snow in the northeastern parts along the Baltic Sea coast and a challenging resource situation in some of our production locations.
Large amounts of snow in the Gävle area after the snowfall on Tuesday are creating problems in our production. Snow removal has been carried out but has been at a standstill since early Thursday morning linked to staffing at maintenance contractors. We are in dialogue with the Swedish Transport Administration, which is looking at alternatives with contracting additional maintenance contractors for increased progress.
In the Sundsvall area, there are also large amounts of snow, and a maintenance contractor has collided with a catenary pole, causing a power outage on significant parts of the local facility in Sundsvall. Production at the terminal in the area was canceled on Thursday due to the power outrage, and at the moment, no production can be carried out in that area.
In Ånge, the Infrastructure Manager continues to face challenges due to the large amount of snow, affecting railway yard production. We are in ongoing dialogue with the Infrastructure Manager and maintenance personnel for prompt action.
For further information about your transport, please contact your customer service representative.
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